We won!

Sunday 2 June 2013 10:30


Yesterday the finals of BandBoost 2013 took place in the Power Stage of the brand new Energiehuis in Dordrecht. And we can still barely believe it, but we WON!!! This means we'll be playing at Wantijpop on June 15th! And there was another unexpected prize the jury came up with last night: one of the jury members was Herman Hofman, a DJ for Dutch national radio station 3FM, and he invited us over to the studio on fridaynight to perform in his show Freaknacht between 1:00 and 4:00! How awesome is that?!

There's probably no need to explain how excited and happy we are right now!

No confirmed upcoming gigs.

For more videos, visit our YouTube page.
Website made by Bart Limburg, Nathalie van Vugt and Johan van Heusden.